Southbound Migration
It's already happening. The first signs were a Spotted Sandpiper, and the disappearing Orchard Orioles. The spotty was about three weeks ago, and I haven't seen any more, nor any othere shorebirds at Lake Leatherwood, but If someone were to travel to Centerton Fish Hatchery about forty miles west, they would probably find eight to ten species of southbound migrants. Send me a note if you want to make a trip. Another sign is the decline in common warblers. Blue-wings, Louisianas, and Kentuckys have all but disappeared. Many birds disperse after completing nesting. Some also molt, as several folks have asked what was up with their Cardinals, funny gray bald heads. It'll still be awhile before any winter residents show up, but I'm curious when the first southbound ducks will blow in.
This should be the beginning of a great time totake advantage of the new blind. Currently viewing is hampered by the amount of vegetation, lilies and whatnot, tho that can be attractve to the critters as cover. I'm still hoping for some rails to make an appearance, am actually surprised that I've never found one at Leatherwood. Especially given that I had a Sora land in a flower-bed at my house.