Jacob's Ladder and Sunday update
Some migrant birds are setting up territories, mostly Norhern Parulas, Louisiana Waterthrushes, Chipping Sparrows, and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. The Paw-paws are blooming, I'll get a photo soon, and I had the first Dragonfly today. At my house in the country, I heard the first Whip-poor-will last night, and one closer this morning before sunrise. No real surprises, big flocks of Goldfinches, lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, There were small flocks of Coots, Blue-wing Teal, and Northern Shovelers. No seasonal waders yet, nor Spotted Sandpipers, the teeter bird. Wild Ginger is up, and some buds were there, but I didn't find any opened. Other wildflowers were lots of Phlox, and a few Buttercups. Sorry this is not much organized.
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