Friday bird walk
I took five folks around on Friday morning. Not real birdy, but we got some great looks at very nice birds. Two best were a male Yellow Warbler, and a female was present in the same tree where I found her nearly a week ago, presuming it's the same bird. We also got a great look at two different Prothonotary Warblers. Both species are possible but uncommon breeders in Arkansas, so I'm excited by that possibility. We got some pics of a Great Spangled Fritillary too, one of the most beautiful butterflies aound here. I'm supposed to be getting some pictures from the hike, and if allowed, I'll put some of these critters up on the blog.
There has been some talk on the net in the birding listservs that this year's migration is pretty slow, and some speculation invokes the hurricane damage on the gulf coast. The migrants are pretty finely tuned to get some rest and forage as soon as they hit the coast, and a lot of the tree patches were just leveled. There may also be some toxins about released by all the damage. Lot of room for speculation.