Eureka Nature

For posting information about natural history events in and around Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

Monday, April 17, 2006

The wildflower report

While birding at Lake leatherwood I took notes on the wildflower bloom too. Buckeyes and PawPaws are blooming, the pawpaw bloom being one of the wonders of our local nature. On the ground I had lots of the plants previously mentioned and several new ones.

Two colors of Larkspurs
Wild Onions
Blue-eye Grass
Yellow Star Grass (I think that's the right name)
Shooting Stars
White Violets
Wood Sorrel (it was out last week)
A few Trilliums
A few Mayapples
The Wild Ginger leaves are up, but I couldn't find any blooms yet

Many Monarch Butterflies, and several others that I didn't get IDs on, and several Dragonflies that I couldn't even get good looks at, they seem disinclined to rest much in the morning.


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