Migratory bird hike at Lake Leatherwood
Cold, windy, gray. Not an attractive day. Fourteen folks was a record attendance thoiugh, some coming from Rogers and Bentonville. Species count was pretty low for this time of year, 46, opposed to the ususal around 60. There was only one migrant, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. All others were either late winter or early summer residents. Most of the breeding warblers were present and singing. Not all the usual summer birds have arrived, still no Summer Tanagers, nor Acadian Flycatchers. Vireo numbers low, and no migrant vireos. The cold weather and relentless fronts from the north have slowed down migration throughout the midwest.
But we had a great day, good company, and several people saw birds they had never seen or seen well. That was satisfying.