Eureka Nature

For posting information about natural history events in and around Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blind site getting inspections

Bruce Levine came out to look at the Bird Blind site Tuesday morning. He was pleased with the way it integrated into the landscape. Someone un-named had been a little too vigorous with a brush hog, and had cut some good habitat. It looks like most of it will regenerate in a few years if left alone. What I did in siting the blind was to take advantage of some of the overcut area. If I had been forced to plan it with cutting in mind, I'd have been hesitant, but serendipity sort of laid the opportunity in my lap. At this point all I need from the Parks Commission is a passed motion to accept the site and design, and permit the completion of the project. Then I had another call Wed evening from Draxie Rogers, a commissioner with a wheelchair-bound relative, also enthusiastic.

Right now we're finally getting some rain, but the drought outlook is still bad. I did find a good website for drought information here. It's interesting to look at all the maps of different ways to think about drought. For instance, we've not had hardly any rain, but soil moisture is still not terribly bad. Hence the pastures are greening up with the longer days. How long they'll be able to sustain growth is another matter. I've also been watching the daffodil meter. Some places they're blooming vigorously, but in a lot of others all I'm seeing is some wimpy spindly leaves, not even buds. If this current rain amounts to anything, maybe those will catch fire.

I've also been working with Joyce Zeller of the spa shop to get an article ready for publication. Today she asked me about a website or link, and I had none. I checked with CAPC and they have the festival flier online, but it's not set up currently for searching and linking. So this weekend I'm getting with my friend Shiloh Barnat, in Memphis, and we're gonna create a website. I'll keep you posted on that.

1.75 inches HOOO RAH